
Decentraland to Unpick Artificial Intelligence at the AI World Fair Trending Crypto News

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In recent times, two technologies have dominated the headlines, touted as the future of digital interactions. Now, those two innovations will collide as Decentraland plays host to the ‘AI World Fair’ in the Metaverse.

Through this ground-breaking union, Decentraland will bring the AI World Fair to its all-new Innovation City from October 25-27. During the 3-day virtual event, attendees will witness some of the brightest minds in Web3, gaming, fashion, art, robotics and the Metaverse discuss and demystify the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence.

On hand to provide an insightful overview of the industry are the likes of The Sandbox founder, Sebastien Borget, Decentraland Creative Director, Sam Hamilton, the now legendary Sofia the Robot, NAK3D CEO, Kelly Vero, and many more. All on hand to help pave the way for a better and responsible way to use and develop artificial intelligence.

The Metaverse Shows its Potential

By using the Metaverse rather than a physical destination, the AI World Fair has the potential to reach a much broader audience. Effectively, removing the barrier of ticket prices, logistics and general effort to allow all walks of life to attend.

This means that more than just the usual ragtag of well-to-do crypto big-wigs will likely turn up, and make for a more diverse audience. Resulting in a wide and varied opinion-base that will help forge the development of the technology.

So, dig out those wearable NFTs and get ready to make your views count at the AI World Fair in Decentraland!

Find out more >> Here

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#Decentraland #Unpick #Artificial #Intelligence #World #Fair

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